The San Antonio Airport Just Got More Soulful!

That’s right! Earlier this week, I received (by referral), news of a new gig opportunity to play inside the San Antonio (SAT) airport! How cool is that, ya’ll!?

Yes, I still have to go through security- in case you were wondering. TSA don’t pay any special favors - diva or not!

I received a behind the scenes tour of things this morning and the airport certainly took on a different perspective for me. I had a sudden realization that “San Antonio is mi corazón!” I love this city!

It will always be my home and now I get to sing “welcome” and “good-bye” to its friends, family and visitors! (Tear.) I am truly blessed!

So, if you’re passing through the terminals and you hear the sounds of CARBONLILY in the air, you’d better stop by and give me a hug, or else I may be forced to give you a “Shout Out” over the microphone! I have that kinda influence now, (LOL!)

Also, side note: referrals are the absolute highest compliment anyone could ever give someone.

I’m Just sayin’.


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