Music & Wine, Need I Say More?

I’ve been on this wine kick lately! No, for reals! My one request for Christmas this past year was to own a set of Olivia Pope stems, (wine glasses.)

Ever since my wife and I binge watched the hit TV series & political thriller, Scandal - I was insta-hooked!

Literally shouting at the television every night, (and Fitzgerald Grant - ugh! Don’t even get me started!) Every night for two straight months …“I NEED those wine glasses!”

Welp! My dreams came true! I’m now the proud owner of these beautiful stems (Crate & Barrel) - BIG thanks to my Mother-In-Law - and have been channeling my inner Pope ever since!

I took it even further, y’all! I decided, “Wouldn’t it be fun if I played at a few local Texas Vineyards this year?!” (Plus, more wine for my alter ego, wink.*) Besides, wouldn’t you agree the sounds of CARBONLILY would pair so well with a glass of wine? I know, right!?!

I’m already starting to fill the gig calendar with some local vineyards, so keep your eyes out for these delicious parings of music and wine - and maybe we’ll form our own O.P.A. (Olivia Pope & Associates) club!


Oh, The Places You’ll Go.


The San Antonio Airport Just Got More Soulful!